
Archive for August, 2011

Tuk Tuks

August 30, 2011 22 comments

Today in Shanghai, I rode in a tuk tuk.  Tuk tuks are 3-passenger electric or battery-operated tricycles.  The driver sits in the front to steer and pedal while two people sit on a bench in the back.  Today, it was me, my small bag of groceries filled with ingredients for dinner tonight, and a big plastic jug of sunflower oil.  (Big! They don’t sell small or medium sizes for some reason.)

The ride from the grocery store to the front gate of my complex cost 5 RMB which is equivalent to about $0.80.  Beats walking a mile home with my big jug of oil.  A typical taxi ride for the same distance is 14 RMB.

In fact, we are thinking of buying a tuk tuk.  Apparently, they cost about 2000 RMB (~$312).  It would certainly help my “around the neighborhood” transportation needs.  See, I don’t have a car.  And while we can hire a driver, it seems unnecessary in my case.  (I’ve had the use of a personal driver over the last month – its a wonderful benefit when I need to go somewhere far, but I don’t need him all the time.  And I didn’t want him during my neighborhood exploration and juants.

My complex is about 1/2 mile from the school, convenience stores and Starbucks.  Its close and convenient enough when the weather is nice AND when its just me – I can walk or ride my bike.  But here, in a downpour, or when the weather is too hot and humid, or when the kids are whiny and not in the mood, I don’t have my car to hop into.  I would have to call a taxi, for example, so that I can pick up my daughters from playdates in other compounds.  But with my own tuk tuk, I have the freedom to go when I need to go and not have to feel guilty about calling a taxi for a 1/2 mile ride.

Ideally, I’d have my own tuk tuk with driver!

Thank you for reading my first blog entry.  Now that I have it set up, I will post more, hopefully on a regular basis.  We miss all of our friends and family but we are meeting wonderful people from all over the world.  If you find that you will be in Shanghai, please let us know!

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